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Green Block quilt |
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Under The Needle...
Green Block Quilt: This is the latest queen size quilt top I have been working on for the past three or four winters; it seems I didn't want to rush the project. Entirely hand sewn, I've got it to the point now where I can begin hand quilting the layers together. With the amount of snow we have been getting this winter I should be able to finish most of the quilting process before spring.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Out on the (Funny) Farm
Grab something to drink, sit back and relax a bit. This is going to take a while.
I know I should write about events as they happen here on the farm, but I don't always have the luxury. It has been a full spring and summer, and among the many things that kept me moving during that time was tending to the bed and breakfast, mowing grass, planting and watering flowers, working on the caboose and building the deck, operating the thrift shop along with two big sales, refining the Lavender Tea Room space and helping Sandra with a number of teas, getting the pond ready for the liner, unloading the railroad ties and contemplating the location and size of the raised flower bed, working on the outbuildings, and last but not least, tending to the resident critters who inhabit and create an interesting, pleasant world. There have been changes to the animal population here on the farm, some good, some bad. But overall, if everyone is happy, life is good.
Among the long-standing residents Glory, the Arabian mare, is always a joy. Her pleasant personality and easy keeping is wonderful in spite of the fact she hates to have her rear hooves trimmed. On my to-do list is working with her so she feels comfortable having her feet handled.
The Angora goat males, Peanut (buck) and Popeye (wether), have been in the west pasture with Glory all summer. They both had their fleeces clipped earlier this year on the goat stand I built, but their fall shearing has been cancelled due to lack of planning on my part and the onset of cold weather. Or maybe it's because I don't have the energy to chase them around the goat yard trying to get a rope around their necks. (Although... I can foresee being able to catch them this winter to trim some of their fleece when they become weighed down with snow and ice).
I had a beast of a time getting Peanut's horns through the head
stock on the stand in the spring, and I know they have grown over the summer. Different measures will need to be taken when I shear him next year. In pre-goat-stand-days I have wrestled him to the ground and positioned my leg over his neck to trim his fleece with scissors. Now, I have sheep shears that I brought from Florida this year and I'm hoping the job will go faster than the hour and a half per goat. Hey, I'm learning! It does help to have the right equipment, and any poor soul willing to help.
Peanut is happier now that I put him and Popeye in with the girl goats. Planned pregnancies. I aim to be more prepared next year when the kids start popping.
Sadie (female goat) is doing well, and she was still nursing ten-month-old Sarah in July when I sold Sarah to a woman from Indian River, Michigan. I don't think it affected Sadie all that much when Sarah left, but it was a sad day for me. She was the first goat birth for six-year-old Sadie, and my first experience of goat labor and birthing; a difficult one too. And Sarah was a joy to watch as she grew to be taller than her mom Sadie.
Removing Sarah's first fleece in the spring was an interesting experience for I found that when I started out trimming with the scissors all I really had to do was pull her fleece off; a sheet of curls with a felted bottom. The result of mixing an Angora goat with a hair goat.
With Sarah gone I had to learn how to milk Sadie. Let me tell you that was fun! I think I'd rather like to learn how to bungee jump from the Mackinaw Bridge. But, after both Sadie and I got the hang of the whole process it wasn't really bad at all. She settled right in to the routine, and I was able to squeeze out milk at a good clip.
Pepper and Patty
Pepper (female goat) is like the middle child. She is there, but doesn't really get noticed all that much because she stays in the background. Well, with the surprise birth of Patty this year I watch her a little more closely.
Little Patty was totally independent when it came to my attention. She wanted none of it. Born without my help she figured she was good to go. And that she did. I sold her in September when she was six months old to a woman from around the Cadillac, Michigan area. It wasn't so bad for me, but I think Pepper missed her for a few days.
Now, when it came to milking Pepper after Patty was gone: it was a miserable process til the end. I would have to hold a rear leg with one
hand while milking with the other. I think we were both glad when milking wasn't required any longer.
Since I've been raising my own flock of chickens over the last eleven years this is the first year I have had more than one hen set on eggs. Six hens to be exact. They helped hatch out fourteen chicks. Key word here is "helped". The hens totally reared thirteen chicks on their own: set, hatched and raised. I was able to put six young roosters and the year-and-a-half-old white Columbian Wyandotte rooster in the freezer. Makes for some yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.
Now as for the fourteenth chick, that is a whole 'nother story. The hen that was setting on it before it hatched started out with seven eggs. But with other hens wanting to lay eggs in the same nest box as she was setting resulted in six of the eggs getting broken, ending with only one egg in the nest. It came down to the last day for hatching. I go out in the morning to find the one egg warm in the nest and no hen. Well, I figured she was getting food, water, a little fresh air. I go back out in the afternoon to gather eggs. And I find the one egg now cold in the nest. No hen. How much fresh air does she thinks she needs anyway?! Great! Twenty-one days wasted and no chicks. "This egg will get tossed".
If there is one thing that still works good for me is my hearing. My eyesight is less than desired, but I can hear a pin drop a mile away as long as my ears aren't ringing too loudly. On this particular day (9/24/13) after I gathered all the eggs I kept hearing a tiny peep. Didn't know where it was coming from until I realized it was coming from the twenty-one-day-old cold egg I was holding in my hand. In my mind I'm picturing the doctor who put Frankenstein together exclaiming, "It's alive!".
As I'm quickly walking to the house with this cold egg I'm talking to it like it needs my encouragement to stay alive long enough to hatch. (At times it really is a good thing I live by myself, and no guests). In the house I turn on the oven light, grab a large pan, add a towel, the egg and thermometer and place it all in the oven, all the while making a mental note that the use of the oven is off-limits for a couple of days. Again, in my mind I'm picturing a new dish titled "Baked Egg Surprise". Not a good thought.
Before I go to bed that night I talk to the egg in the oven. Now, by this time I have named what is inside the egg "Herbie". I'm actually hoping for a male chick that would grow to someday replace Rooster when he is no longer around. In the course of my conversation with the peeping egg I explain there is nothing I can do on my end except keep it warm. I want so badly to open a hole in the shell to help him along, but that can end badly.
The next day I check on Herbie and he's peeping louder than the day
before. This is really a good sign. He's alive for one thing, and there's hope he will hatch. Let's just make it quick. I wanna use my oven. All morning long I talk to the egg and it peeps in response. Before I head outside in the afternoon I give it a good pep talk. "Come on, it's up to you Herbie. I can't do it for you. Let's get with the program". It must have worked. I came in early evening and there he was all hatched out and wobbly, still attached to the shell.
So, Herbie spent the first week of his life in a tote in the kitchen with a light. But, with the onset of cold weather Herbie will have to stay in the basement (no electricity in the outbuildings), and he won't go out with the other chickens until spring. But that's not the kicker. Herbie is a pullet.
My friend Mary will send me e-mails whenever she receives any that concern animals that people are no longer able to keep. One of the e-mails she sent to me involved a Lionhead rabbit. His name is Moose. After several e-mails with the girl who had Moose, my friends Melissa and Mary stopped by to pick him up in Ann Arbor, Michigan before they headed up to my place for the day on 7/16/13.
Moose is a cute, stocky dude with white and black fur. The fibers gleaned when I brush Moose can be spun and plied to make a soft yarn.
Moose is an indoor rabbit, neutered, trained to use a litter box and lives in the basement with my cat Purdy, and now Herbie. Purdy plays with Moose by tackling him, and Herbie has a blast chasing him around occasionally.
Gizmo, the Angora rabbit, is still going strong. I know he's a couple of years old because that's about how long I've had him. But other than that he could be a hundred years old. He lives in the rabbitry where he has the chickens for company. But since 10/10/13 he has company by the name of Fuzz, a small black Lionhead rabbit, given to me by the father of a son who would no longer take charge of his care.
Fuzz is adorable, and tiny compared to some of the rabbits I've had. I haven't investigated whether Fuzz is male or female. It doesn't matter at this point because I don't intend to use Fuzz for breeding.
I believe I have mentioned Ducky and Dizzy before. Maybe not. My memory is right down there with my eyesight. Anyway, I received Ducky (my guess is Peking Duck mix), when she was just a few weeks old, from Mom back in March of this year. I had the duckling for about a month when I decided it needed a friend. I found a woman in Bentley, Michigan who raises Indian Runner ducks. She had one that was just a week old, and blind. She gave me the duckling and I brought it home.
When the weather turned warm enough in
the spring I put the two ducks outside in their own pen. I still hadn't come up with a name for the blind duck until one day as I was watching him walk in circles wherever he went. The name Dizzy just seemed to fit.
Being blind, he was easy to catch when he was younger. But now, he has developed acute hearing and he can hear me walking. As he has gotten older though, I've noticed that he can distinguish color and shape out of his right eye, but he is totally blind in his left eye. If I need to catch him, all I have to do is sneak up on his left side reeeeeally quiet.
Back in August of this year I had gone to Canada for a week with John fishing for Walleye and Pike. When I returned one of the things I found new with the animals is that there was a pile of wood shavings in the inside corner of the duck house. In the top of this pile were duck eggs. At that time I hadn't known if the ducks were male and female. But now I knew one of them was a female, but didn't know which one since I couldn't catch one or the other on the nest. After researching on the internet, I realized Dizzy was a male Indian Runner. That left Ducky as the one laying the eggs.
Ducky finally began sitting on the eggs. She must have figured she had enough.
The only time Ducky would leave the nest was to make a mad dash to get water and food, and back she would go again. When the day neared for the eggs to hatch I kept my eye on Ducky to see what would happen. The day came (I had figured 10/15/13) and went. Add a few more days, and I guess Ducky decided nothing was going to happen so she stopped setting. Thanks, Ducky! Leaving me to do away with a pile of rotten eggs.
What's a person to do? Grab a bucket and begin counting duck eggs. Twenty-three to be exact. And as I'm doing my job, I begin pondering the whole situation about these eggs. First of all, I thought it was kind of late in the season for a duck to lay eggs, let alone set on them for close to a month. Second, I never saw Ducky and Dizzy get reeeeally friendly. The only time I saw Dizzy on top of Ducky was when he would trip over her because he couldn't see where he was going. Don't they need to be in water to mate? I guess I need to research the mating habits of ducks. And then at least I would know if there was any hanky-panky going on.
In the month of June my friend Sandra was moving and couldn't take all her peafowl so I acquired three of them, a India Blue peacock and two India Blue peahens. Did you know peafowl are related to the turkey and pheasant? It has been fascinating watching and learning their habits over the summer.
Prior to receiving my three peafowl Sandra had been getting eggs from her flock of peafowl so she brought over a few to put under my chickens that were setting on eggs at the time. Three of the peafowl eggs hatched on June 23 and 24. Of the three one white peachick lived, and is now 19 weeks old and doing well. I have no idea whether its male or female. Time will tell. In the meantime, it thinks it's a chicken.
The peafowl must have felt comfortable in their new home, because by the end of July the two peahens were setting on a shallow nest of four eggs. When I returned from the trip to Canada one of the other new things I discovered was a new peachick running around. Once this youngster had hatched the peahens stopped setting on the other three eggs. The new peachick is now over eight weeks old and growing well. Again, time will tell whether it is male or female.
When I received Fuzz, the little black Lionhead rabbit, at that time I also inherited from the same people a female, white and black pygmy goat by the name of Billie. She is about the size of Pepper. She has a very nice temperament and has settled into her new home. In talking with the previous owner I discovered Billie is about nine years old and never been bred. Well, since she is now in with the other does who are accompanied by Peanut, her non-pregnancy life may have changed. We'll see what happens in five months with all three does.
There are two doors from the house going into this room where the aquarium sits, and last winter most of the time the inside doors were closed and I kept blankets over the tank to help keep it warm (the fish do not need to be fed once the water temp goes below about 54 degrees). Well, I learned that this year at least one door must remain open to allow heat into the room.
One evening last winter as I was checking doors I stopped in my tracks by the fish tank. For some reason I wasn't hearing the gentle sound of the filter or water. I gently lifted the corner of the blanket and to my horror the top half of the water had turned to ice. I immediately set up the heater in the room, and after about three days the ice was gone. The fish was fine, much to my relief. But the result of that ice, I'm assuming, did not show itself until months later in July.
It was July 14, 2013 early in the morning when I ventured to the kitchen in my pjs to get a cup of coffee. However, again I stopped in my tracks because I was hearing something that didn't sound right. I open the kitchen door to find water all over the floor from a leak that was spewing out from the fish tank about a third of the way down. My first reaction was to naturally put my finger over the leak to keep any more water from evacuating the aquarium. Ok, now what do I do? I'm standing there in my nighty with a finger on the fish tank unsuccessfully stopping the flow of water. There was a way to go before the water level was down to where the hole in the tank was located. And I wasn't going to let all that water end up on the floor. Or was I? Oh, what the hell! I ran outside to find a hose to siphon the water from the aquarium. What a mess! It took me a few hours to clean up all the water, transfer the fish to the outside bath tub and finish siphoning off the remaining water in the tank.
By August 13 I had repaired the aquarium by removing the old sealant, adding new and letting it cure, filling the tank, adding gravel, set up the filter and add the fish a few days later. So far, so good.
I still have fish in the bath tub because I caught the rest of the fish from the pond, and I will need to move them to the basement for the winter. I'm in the process of getting the pond ready for a liner, and then it will need to be filled and allowed to condition itself for a few months. By spring I figured I can put the fish from the basement back out in the pond.
I look forward to marking one more thing off my list as done...
I know I should write about events as they happen here on the farm, but I don't always have the luxury. It has been a full spring and summer, and among the many things that kept me moving during that time was tending to the bed and breakfast, mowing grass, planting and watering flowers, working on the caboose and building the deck, operating the thrift shop along with two big sales, refining the Lavender Tea Room space and helping Sandra with a number of teas, getting the pond ready for the liner, unloading the railroad ties and contemplating the location and size of the raised flower bed, working on the outbuildings, and last but not least, tending to the resident critters who inhabit and create an interesting, pleasant world. There have been changes to the animal population here on the farm, some good, some bad. But overall, if everyone is happy, life is good.
Horse of Course! Glory Be!
Peanut and Popeye
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Popeye |
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Peanut |
stock on the stand in the spring, and I know they have grown over the summer. Different measures will need to be taken when I shear him next year. In pre-goat-stand-days I have wrestled him to the ground and positioned my leg over his neck to trim his fleece with scissors. Now, I have sheep shears that I brought from Florida this year and I'm hoping the job will go faster than the hour and a half per goat. Hey, I'm learning! It does help to have the right equipment, and any poor soul willing to help.
Peanut is happier now that I put him and Popeye in with the girl goats. Planned pregnancies. I aim to be more prepared next year when the kids start popping.
Sadie and Sarah
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Sarah |
Pepper and Patty
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Pepper |
Little Patty was totally independent when it came to my attention. She wanted none of it. Born without my help she figured she was good to go. And that she did. I sold her in September when she was six months old to a woman from around the Cadillac, Michigan area. It wasn't so bad for me, but I think Pepper missed her for a few days.
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Patty |
hand while milking with the other. I think we were both glad when milking wasn't required any longer.
Rooster, the Ladies and Herbie
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2013 pullets |
Now as for the fourteenth chick, that is a whole 'nother story. The hen that was setting on it before it hatched started out with seven eggs. But with other hens wanting to lay eggs in the same nest box as she was setting resulted in six of the eggs getting broken, ending with only one egg in the nest. It came down to the last day for hatching. I go out in the morning to find the one egg warm in the nest and no hen. Well, I figured she was getting food, water, a little fresh air. I go back out in the afternoon to gather eggs. And I find the one egg now cold in the nest. No hen. How much fresh air does she thinks she needs anyway?! Great! Twenty-one days wasted and no chicks. "This egg will get tossed".
If there is one thing that still works good for me is my hearing. My eyesight is less than desired, but I can hear a pin drop a mile away as long as my ears aren't ringing too loudly. On this particular day (9/24/13) after I gathered all the eggs I kept hearing a tiny peep. Didn't know where it was coming from until I realized it was coming from the twenty-one-day-old cold egg I was holding in my hand. In my mind I'm picturing the doctor who put Frankenstein together exclaiming, "It's alive!".
As I'm quickly walking to the house with this cold egg I'm talking to it like it needs my encouragement to stay alive long enough to hatch. (At times it really is a good thing I live by myself, and no guests). In the house I turn on the oven light, grab a large pan, add a towel, the egg and thermometer and place it all in the oven, all the while making a mental note that the use of the oven is off-limits for a couple of days. Again, in my mind I'm picturing a new dish titled "Baked Egg Surprise". Not a good thought.
Before I go to bed that night I talk to the egg in the oven. Now, by this time I have named what is inside the egg "Herbie". I'm actually hoping for a male chick that would grow to someday replace Rooster when he is no longer around. In the course of my conversation with the peeping egg I explain there is nothing I can do on my end except keep it warm. I want so badly to open a hole in the shell to help him along, but that can end badly.
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Herbie |
So, Herbie spent the first week of his life in a tote in the kitchen with a light. But, with the onset of cold weather Herbie will have to stay in the basement (no electricity in the outbuildings), and he won't go out with the other chickens until spring. But that's not the kicker. Herbie is a pullet.
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Moose |
Moose is a cute, stocky dude with white and black fur. The fibers gleaned when I brush Moose can be spun and plied to make a soft yarn.
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Herbie and Moose facing off |
Gizmo and Fuzz
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Fuzz |
Fuzz is adorable, and tiny compared to some of the rabbits I've had. I haven't investigated whether Fuzz is male or female. It doesn't matter at this point because I don't intend to use Fuzz for breeding.
Ducky and Dizzy
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Ducky as a duckling |
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Ducky |
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Dizzy and Ducky |
Back in August of this year I had gone to Canada for a week with John fishing for Walleye and Pike. When I returned one of the things I found new with the animals is that there was a pile of wood shavings in the inside corner of the duck house. In the top of this pile were duck eggs. At that time I hadn't known if the ducks were male and female. But now I knew one of them was a female, but didn't know which one since I couldn't catch one or the other on the nest. After researching on the internet, I realized Dizzy was a male Indian Runner. That left Ducky as the one laying the eggs.
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Ducky's nest |
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Barred Rock hen and peachick |
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Peacock, peahens and peachick |
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Billie |
Pond Fish
Last year I began catching the bright-colored or uniquely marked ornamental fish from my small pond. I put them in a large 81 gallon fish tank and it sits right inside the side door entrance of the house. I figured it would be a good spot that could hold 850 pounds of tank, water, gravel and fish. Under the wood flooring is cement.There are two doors from the house going into this room where the aquarium sits, and last winter most of the time the inside doors were closed and I kept blankets over the tank to help keep it warm (the fish do not need to be fed once the water temp goes below about 54 degrees). Well, I learned that this year at least one door must remain open to allow heat into the room.
One evening last winter as I was checking doors I stopped in my tracks by the fish tank. For some reason I wasn't hearing the gentle sound of the filter or water. I gently lifted the corner of the blanket and to my horror the top half of the water had turned to ice. I immediately set up the heater in the room, and after about three days the ice was gone. The fish was fine, much to my relief. But the result of that ice, I'm assuming, did not show itself until months later in July.
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Red Shubunkin |
By August 13 I had repaired the aquarium by removing the old sealant, adding new and letting it cure, filling the tank, adding gravel, set up the filter and add the fish a few days later. So far, so good.
I still have fish in the bath tub because I caught the rest of the fish from the pond, and I will need to move them to the basement for the winter. I'm in the process of getting the pond ready for a liner, and then it will need to be filled and allowed to condition itself for a few months. By spring I figured I can put the fish from the basement back out in the pond.
I look forward to marking one more thing off my list as done...
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thought For Thursday - Bacon
"Age appears to be best in four things, - old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read."- Francis Bacon
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thought For Thursday - Lincoln
"I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day, as each day came."
- Abraham Lincoln
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Moving On...
SOMETHING TOLD THE WILD GEESE by Rachel Field Something told the wild geese It was time to go. Though the fields lay golden Something whispered, - "Snow." Leaves were green and stirring, Berries, luster-glossed, But beneath warm feathers Something cautioned, - "Frost." All the sagging orchards Steamed with amber spice, But each wild beast stiffened At remembered ice. Something told the wild geese It was time to fly, - Summer sun was on their wings, Winter in their cry.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Thought For Thursday - Goethe
"One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
- Goethe
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Thought For Thursday - de L'Enclos
"That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful."- Ninon de L'Enclos
Thursday, August 29, 2013
No Time?
Leisure by W.H. Davies What is this life, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare, No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in the grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I Hope
by Mildred Bowers Armstrong
I hope that I shall never tire
Of watching colors in the fire.
I hope I shall not be too old
To see the lilac-stars unfold,
Or find the pear tree wearing white
When spring is summer over-night.
When I am tired of rapture,
Let me die then.
Let me never see the frost
Or a fern again.
When songs do not delight,
When waves that lip the pier,
Or driftwood fires,
Or faces,
Are no longer dear-
Let me die quickly;
Let me not know
The eyes of friends,
Candlelight, silence, or snow.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
5 Years and Counting
It's been five years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer on May 29, 2008. I will be ever thankful to all the people (friends, family and the Cleveland Clinic doctors and nurses) who played a part in my survival.
Cancer should not be feared. Fight with a strong mind.
Cancer should not be feared. Fight with a strong mind.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Beware of Toads Underfoot
Do you ever get the feeling you should have done something right away when your gut was telling you to? Coulda-shoulda-woulda kind of thing.
Not everyone knows this, but I have toads in the basement. I don't know where they come from, but I don't mind them there. I'm sure they get a few bugs every now and then. So, every once in a while I'll see one that has come out of hiding from Toadville. I've gotten acquainted with a few over the years. In fact, last year I put one out in the garden because I figured he was getting too big for his confines.
This morning I came across a small toad that I had never seen before. Since I was working in the basement we crossed paths several times; where he was venturing I'll never know. Something was telling me to put him outside where he could dig in the dirt, and catch more bugs than he could dream. Yeah, I coulda done that. But I didn't.
When I was finished in the basement I headed outside, which by the way, is nice and sunny today. A far cry from all the rain we've had lately. Well, anyway, a couple of hours pass and I head back in the house and down to the basement. I'm used to walking down there without the lights on. Now, keep in mind I'm barefoot; I don't like to wear shoes unless I have to. Can you see where I'm heading with this? I shoulda turned the lights on. But I didn't.
So, what does a person do when they walk barefoot into a dark basement, and they step on an unsuspecting toad? Well, I'll tell ya what to do. First, you yell at the stupid toad they shouldn't have been in the middle of the stinkin' floor! Then, you get a grip and try to get the "feeling" of the toad off your foot. Then scoop him up in a dustpan and throw him outside to the chickens.
Life on the funny farm.
Not everyone knows this, but I have toads in the basement. I don't know where they come from, but I don't mind them there. I'm sure they get a few bugs every now and then. So, every once in a while I'll see one that has come out of hiding from Toadville. I've gotten acquainted with a few over the years. In fact, last year I put one out in the garden because I figured he was getting too big for his confines.
This morning I came across a small toad that I had never seen before. Since I was working in the basement we crossed paths several times; where he was venturing I'll never know. Something was telling me to put him outside where he could dig in the dirt, and catch more bugs than he could dream. Yeah, I coulda done that. But I didn't.
When I was finished in the basement I headed outside, which by the way, is nice and sunny today. A far cry from all the rain we've had lately. Well, anyway, a couple of hours pass and I head back in the house and down to the basement. I'm used to walking down there without the lights on. Now, keep in mind I'm barefoot; I don't like to wear shoes unless I have to. Can you see where I'm heading with this? I shoulda turned the lights on. But I didn't.
So, what does a person do when they walk barefoot into a dark basement, and they step on an unsuspecting toad? Well, I'll tell ya what to do. First, you yell at the stupid toad they shouldn't have been in the middle of the stinkin' floor! Then, you get a grip and try to get the "feeling" of the toad off your foot. Then scoop him up in a dustpan and throw him outside to the chickens.
Life on the funny farm.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Patty Grows
Patty at one month old on 4/17/13.
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Patty and Pepper 4/17/13 |
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Look of innocence |
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Trouble and Patty through the binoculars |
Friday, April 19, 2013
Sideways Chickens
Once again it's the onslaught of brutal gray skies, and enough pouring rain to require a rowboat to feed the critters. After yesterday's rain the wind is blowing hard enough I'm thinking it's trying to knock the caboose off its tracks.
I figure it's time for a Florida Flashback. I can look at the photos and instantly find myself walking the two-mile stretch of road. A far cry from sitting here watching the chickens walk sideways.
I figure it's time for a Florida Flashback. I can look at the photos and instantly find myself walking the two-mile stretch of road. A far cry from sitting here watching the chickens walk sideways.
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Tree at the bend in the road |
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Stop and smell the flowers |
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On the edge of the orange grove |
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Lots of sunshine |
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Clouds and sun |
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An Ohio sunset |
Thursday, April 18, 2013
"You Kids...!"
I love Mom. She is so easy to please, and gets excited with the simplest things. But tell her you've got a secret and she can't hardly stand it. (Personally, I can wait; tell me when you feel like it). So, the other day when I told Mom I had a secret, I was actually telling her for my own enjoyment. It doesn't take much to amuse me either.
The secret I had been holding onto was something recently printed in a book. This something is what Mom had a habit of saying when we were kids. I had the opportunity of submitting Mom's quote a while ago, and it came as a surprise to me when I was informed that it was included in "Mother Knows Better - Sense and Nonsense from American Moms" by Patti Murphy.
Being a young mother Mom had her hands full, and rightfully so. There were five of us kids all born within seven years. We learned to behave, mind our manners and show respect for our elders. However, with five siblings so close in age there were bound to be times when one of us would be pickin' on one of the others, Mom would hear about it, and it was then that Mom would express her now-famous saying.
When I told Mom about the book she had to have it right away. Yesterday she called me to tell me she had received it, and how tickled she was. She informed me that both our names, and her quote are on page 54. Oh, and she plans on carrying the book in her purse. Probably, so she can whip it out and make us kids read it if we get on her nerves again.
I love you, Mom.
The secret I had been holding onto was something recently printed in a book. This something is what Mom had a habit of saying when we were kids. I had the opportunity of submitting Mom's quote a while ago, and it came as a surprise to me when I was informed that it was included in "Mother Knows Better - Sense and Nonsense from American Moms" by Patti Murphy.
Being a young mother Mom had her hands full, and rightfully so. There were five of us kids all born within seven years. We learned to behave, mind our manners and show respect for our elders. However, with five siblings so close in age there were bound to be times when one of us would be pickin' on one of the others, Mom would hear about it, and it was then that Mom would express her now-famous saying.
When I told Mom about the book she had to have it right away. Yesterday she called me to tell me she had received it, and how tickled she was. She informed me that both our names, and her quote are on page 54. Oh, and she plans on carrying the book in her purse. Probably, so she can whip it out and make us kids read it if we get on her nerves again.
"You kids are bound and determined to do everything in your power to irritate me!" - Marilyn O'Dell
I love you, Mom.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
5 Things To Do Outside In The Sun*
I know it wasn't anything I said in my last post. Who am I to threaten Mother Nature? I'm just a lowly individual striving to maintain a sense of sanity just slightly above the current water level in my yard.
But I do feel rather empowered today. Could it have anything to do with the massive amounts of sunshine I woke up to at 8am this morning? Well, if so, take that Mother Nature! I will NOT LINGER inside anymore than I have to today, I will FLOURISH in the light reigning on my world and I will RELISH THE SPLENDOR of mud ON MY BOOTS!
There. I feel so much better.
Five things you can do outside in the sun:
1. Go outside
2. Roll around on the ground like there's no tomorrow
3. Pee on what's left of the snow and ice
4. Drape yourself over any inanimate object like a sick, drunken sailor
5. Stand on the highest point on your property with your arms raised high holding a shovel and a rake
* Disclaimer: do not attempt if you are at any acceptable level of sanity. Check with local authorities for any required permits.
But I do feel rather empowered today. Could it have anything to do with the massive amounts of sunshine I woke up to at 8am this morning? Well, if so, take that Mother Nature! I will NOT LINGER inside anymore than I have to today, I will FLOURISH in the light reigning on my world and I will RELISH THE SPLENDOR of mud ON MY BOOTS!
There. I feel so much better.
Five things you can do outside in the sun:
1. Go outside
2. Roll around on the ground like there's no tomorrow
3. Pee on what's left of the snow and ice
4. Drape yourself over any inanimate object like a sick, drunken sailor
5. Stand on the highest point on your property with your arms raised high holding a shovel and a rake
* Disclaimer: do not attempt if you are at any acceptable level of sanity. Check with local authorities for any required permits.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Adding Insult to Injury
Alright, I have had about enough! (Gee...that sounded just like my Mom when I was a kid). It's not bad enough that it's been raining the last five days, ol' Mother Nature got bored I guess, and decided to see what else she could dump on us.
I awoke to 2" of teeny, tiny ice pellets on the ground. Not snow. ICE. Not only that, but everything else was covered in a sheet of ice. Good grief! If Mother Nature thinks for one minute I'm going to promise not to go away again in the winter, she's due for a rude awakening. I'll show her! Just give me a sec, I'll think of something...
I awoke to 2" of teeny, tiny ice pellets on the ground. Not snow. ICE. Not only that, but everything else was covered in a sheet of ice. Good grief! If Mother Nature thinks for one minute I'm going to promise not to go away again in the winter, she's due for a rude awakening. I'll show her! Just give me a sec, I'll think of something...
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Broken branches |
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Maple tree buds weren't even safe |
Friday, April 12, 2013
Sunshine State of Mind Two
I'm sitting here looking out my kitchen window at pools of water. Everywhere. Ever since I got home to Michigan from Florida on Sunday it has been raining since Monday, and four days later it doesn't look like there are immediate plans of the rain stopping anytime soon. I require true sunshine, and the gray days just don't cut it.
It's nice to reflect on the photos I took while in Florida. Sunshine is the perfect illuminating source for the vibrant colors found there. And the various animal tracks I shot are more interesting than my muddy boot prints recently.
It's nice to reflect on the photos I took while in Florida. Sunshine is the perfect illuminating source for the vibrant colors found there. And the various animal tracks I shot are more interesting than my muddy boot prints recently.
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Turkey tracks |
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Bug tracks |
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Leaf tracks |
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My shoe tracks |
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iPod tracks |
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Bass fishing |
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