Being self-motivated and hard-working, I'm also tired. But I enjoy working with my hands and exercising my mind, and hope to always be learning something new and taking advantage of every day I'm alive. Otherwise, why would I just want to take up space?

Life is what we make it. It's up to each one of us to find our own happiness and contentment with ourselves.
I'm not a writer, and I don't pretend to play one in real life. But, I do enjoy writing when it's not frustrating, which is 93.6% of the time. In light of that little bit of knowlege, there might be an occasional post that will come across the way I intend. And if you happen to find it, let me know so I know what I'm doing right.
Believe it or not, I'm a private person who is very happy by myself. But I operate a bnb in real life. Go figure. Growing up painfully shy has taught me to appreciate the little things about people that make them different. Everybody has a story, and blogging is a way of sharing our lives. Especially when we don't get out much, and talking with the animals is a way of life.
- Luann, Keeper of the Critters